Downstream tasks

PBG is a tool for producing graph embeddings, that is it takes a graph (i.e. an edgelist) as input and produces embeddings for each entity in the graph. These embeddings can be used in a variety of ways to solve downstream tasks. Below, we provide example code for how to perform several common downstream tasks with PBG embeddings. In some cases, other open source tools can be used to perform these downstream tasks (e.g. nearest neighbor search) with PBG embeddings, which we discuss below.

Parsing the output data

PBG’s input and output is entirely file-based, thus its “interface” specification consists in these files’ formats. Its “native” format is quite custom but is based on the standard HDF5 format. The specifications are in the I/O format section, and the format is designed to keep backwards compatibility. To ease interoperability, PBG tries to provide converters to and from other common formats. For now, the only such converter is for a text-based TSV format (tab-separated values). Contributions for additional converters are welcome.

PBG expects its input to be already partitioned, and identifies each entity solely by its type, the partition it belongs to and its offset within that partition. Most graphs don’t naturally come in this form: entities may, for example, be represented just by a name (a string). Third-party converters need to be written or employed to transform a graph from its native representation to PBG’s one, and to then “match” the output embeddings back with their original entities. The TSV converters do this and can be used as an example.

Reading the HDF5 format

Suppose that you have completed the training of the torchbiggraph_example_fb15k command and want to now look up the embedding of some entity. For that, we’ll need to read:

  • the embeddings, from the checkpoint files (the .h5 files in the model/fb15k directory, or whatever directory was specified as the checkpoint_path); and
  • the names of the entities of a certain type and partition (ordere by their offset), from the files in the data/FB15k directory (or an alternative directory given as the entity_path), created by the torchbiggraph_import_from_tsv command.

The embedding of, say, entity /m/05hf_5 can be found as follows:

import json
import h5py

with open("data/FB15k/entity_names_all_0.json", "rt") as tf:
    names = json.load(tf)
offset = names.index("/m/05hf_5")

with h5py.File("model/fb15k/embeddings_all_0.v50.h5", "r") as hf:
    embedding = hf["embeddings"][offset, :]


The HDF5 format allows partial reads so, in the example above, we only load from disk the data we actually need. If we wanted to load the entire embedding table we could use embeddings = hf["embeddings"][...].

Reading from the TSV format

Suppose that, instead, you just have the TSV format produced by torchbiggraph_export_to_tsv. This format is textual (i.e., ASCII-encoded). It consists of two files:

  • One file contains the embedding vectors of the entities. Each line contains first the identifier of one entity and then a series of real numbers (in floating-point decimal form), all separated by tabs, which are the components of the vector.
  • The other file contains the parameters of the operators of the relation types. Here each line starts with several text columns, all separated by tabs, which contain, in order, the name of a relation type, a side (i.e., lhs or rhs), the name of the operator for the relation type on that side, the name of a parameter of that operator, the shape of the parameter (as integers separated by x, for example 2x3x5) and finally a series of real numbers, also tab-separated, which are the components of the flattened parameter.

The pre-trained Wikidata embeddings (available here gzipped) use an older version of this format. They consist of a single file, which starts with a comment line listing the entity count, the relation type count and the dimension (of both the embeddings and the parameters, as it happens to be the same). It then contains the entity embeddings, in the format described above. The relation type parameters, however, are appended after the embeddings and use a simpler format consisting of a single text column (followed, as usual, by the real values of the parameter). First come the right-hand side parameters, and the text column contains the relation name. The come the left-hand side parameters, and the text column contains the relation name suffixed with _reverse_relation.

If one wants to load the data of such a file from disk into a NumPy array (just the embeddings, without the labels) one can use the following command:

import numpy as np

embeddings = np.loadtxt(
    usecols=range(1, 201),

Let’s break it down:

  • delimiter specifies what character to use to split a single line into fields. As these are tab-separated values, the character must be a tab.
  • skiprows makes NumPy ignore the first row, because for the Wikidata embeddings it contains a comment. In other cases one should omit skiprows or set it to zero.
  • max_rows causes NumPy to load only the first 78404883 rows (after skipping the first one). That number isn’t magic, it’s simply the number of entities in the Wikidata dataset, and we need it in order to load all and only the entity embeddings, without loading the relation type parameters.
  • usecols tells NumPy to ignore the first column, which contains the entity name, and instead use the next 200 columns. We use 200 because that’s the dimension of the Wikidata embeddings.
  • comments by default is # and NumPy will ignore everything that comes after the first occurrence of that character, however some Wikidata entities contain # in their names thus we must unset this value to have NumPy properly parse the row.

Be warned however that parsing such a text file is a very slow operation. In fact, the TSV format is mainly helpful for small datasets, and is intended for demonstrative purposes, not for actual usage in a performance-sensitive scenario.

Reading from the NPY format

In some cases, for example in the Wikidata embeddings, we also provide a .npy file containing the embeddings. This data is the same that would be obtained by the loadtxt function above, except that the hard work of parsing has already been done and the format is now easily machine-readable and thus more performant. It can be loaded easily as follows:

import numpy as np

embeddings = np.load("wikidata_translation_v1_vectors.npy")

This loads all the data in memory. If one only wants to access some part of the data, one can play with the mmap_mode option so that the data remains on disk until actually accessed.

Using the embeddings

Predicting the score of an edge

As described in the From entity embeddings to edge scores section, the essential goal of the model at the code of PBG is to be able to assign a score to each triplet of source entity, target entity and relation type. Those scores should reflect the likelihood of that edge existing. PBG’s current code for calculating these scores is very intertwined with the code that samples negative edges and therefore it is hard to use a trained model just to predict scores.

The following code shows loads the data directly from the HDF5 files and manually calculate the score of Paris being the capital of France:

import json
import h5py
import torch
from torchbiggraph.model import ComplexDiagonalDynamicOperator, DotComparator

# Load count of dynamic relations
with open("data/FB15k/dynamic_rel_count.txt", "rt") as tf:
    dynamic_rel_count = int(

# Load the operator's state dict
with h5py.File("model/fb15k/model.v50.h5", "r") as hf:
    operator_state_dict = {
        "real": torch.from_numpy(hf["model/relations/0/operator/rhs/real"][...]),
        "imag": torch.from_numpy(hf["model/relations/0/operator/rhs/imag"][...]),
operator = ComplexDiagonalDynamicOperator(400, dynamic_rel_count)
comparator = DotComparator()

# Load the names of the entities, ordered by offset.
with open("data/FB15k/entity_names_all_0.json", "rt") as tf:
    entity_names = json.load(tf)
src_entity_offset = entity_names.index("/m/0f8l9c")  # France
dest_entity_offset = entity_names.index("/m/05qtj")  # Paris

# Load the names of the relation types, ordered by index.
with open("data/FB15k/dynamic_rel_names.json", "rt") as tf:
    rel_type_names = json.load(tf)
rel_type_index = rel_type_names.index("/location/country/capital")

# Load the trained embeddings
with h5py.File("model/fb15k/embeddings_all_0.v50.h5", "r") as hf:
    src_embedding = torch.from_numpy(hf["embeddings"][src_entity_offset, :])
    dest_embedding = torch.from_numpy(hf["embeddings"][dest_entity_offset, :])

# Calculate the scores
scores, _, _ = comparator(
    comparator.prepare(src_embedding.view(1, 1, 400)),
            dest_embedding.view(1, 400),
        ).view(1, 1, 400),
    torch.empty(1, 0, 400),  # Left-hand side negatives, not needed
    torch.empty(1, 0, 400),  # Right-hand side negatives, not needed



A very related problem is, given a source entity and a relation type, ranking all the entities by how likely they are to be the target entity. This can be done very similarly to the above. For example, the following code determines what entities are most likely to be the capital of France:

import json
import h5py
import torch
from torchbiggraph.model import ComplexDiagonalDynamicOperator, DotComparator

# Load entity count
with open("data/FB15k/entity_count_all_0.txt", "rt") as tf:
    entity_count = int(

# Load count of dynamic relations
with open("data/FB15k/dynamic_rel_count.txt", "rt") as tf:
    dynamic_rel_count = int(

# Load the operator's state dict
with h5py.File("model/fb15k/model.v50.h5", "r") as hf:
    operator_state_dict = {
        "real": torch.from_numpy(hf["model/relations/0/operator/rhs/real"][...]),
        "imag": torch.from_numpy(hf["model/relations/0/operator/rhs/imag"][...]),
operator = ComplexDiagonalDynamicOperator(400, dynamic_rel_count)
comparator = DotComparator()

# Load the offsets of the entities and the index of the relation type
with open("data/FB15k/entity_names_all_0.json", "rt") as tf:
    entity_names = json.load(tf)
src_entity_offset = entity_names.index("/m/0f8l9c")  # France
with open("data/FB15k/dynamic_rel_names.json", "rt") as tf:
    rel_type_names = json.load(tf)
rel_type_index = rel_type_names.index("/location/country/capital")

# Load the trained embeddings
with h5py.File("model/fb15k/embeddings_all_0.v50.h5", "r") as hf:
    src_embedding = torch.from_numpy(hf["embeddings"][src_entity_offset, :])
    dest_embeddings = torch.from_numpy(hf["embeddings"][...])

# Calculate the scores
scores, _, _ = comparator(
    comparator.prepare(src_embedding.view(1, 1, 400)).expand(1, entity_count, 400),
        ).view(1, entity_count, 400),
    torch.empty(1, 0, 400),  # Left-hand side negatives, not needed
    torch.empty(1, 0, 400),  # Right-hand side negatives, not needed

# Sort the entities by their score
permutation = scores.flatten().argsort(descending=True)
top5_entities = [entity_names[index] for index in permutation[:5]]


Which in my case gives, in order, Paris, Lyon, Martinique, Strasbourg and Rouen.